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Code of Conduct


Academic & Conduct Standards 

  1.  Education is the athlete’s first responsibility. Eligibility policy states that all students must be passing all classes to play in  games. Grades will be checked before events and/or weekly. A student’s ability to participate in events is based on passing grades. 
    1. Students ineligible to compete will continue to practice with their team however will not be able to suit up with their team for competitions. 
    2. Teachers have the authority to require a student to stay after school in their rooms to make-up work, tutoring, or  instruction, after which the athlete may attend practice. 
    3. If a Monday grade check shows that an athlete is failing one or more classes, they will be placed on one week probation, during which  time they may participate in all practices and competitions. At the end of the probationary week, if a Monday grade check shows the athlete is passing all classes, they will be released from probation and allowed to practice and compete. If the athlete is still not passing one or more classes by the next Monday grade check, they will not be eligible to compete until a grade check shows they are passing, or until they have a signed release from a teacher that shows a passing grade. Teachers will not be required or expected to change the timeline of their grading to accommodate a student’s eligibility status. Additionally, if an athlete is not eligible due to grades or meeting the required number of practices,  they will not travel with the team to away games. 
  1. All school and district rules must be followed and will be enforced during athletic activities and competitions, including  practices and away games. For the violation of school rules, athletes will be treated the same as any other student, and in addition to the school response, may receive athletic penalties for their behavior/choices. The student athlete understands, they represent the school and the community and are held to a high standard in doing so. Specific details are available in the middle school handbook. 
  2. Practices are an extension of the classroom, and student expectations with regards to focus and respect towards peers and their coaches should be demonstrated. 
  3. Use of personal technology devices must be appropriate for school (all content utilized) and during an athletic event or transportation. Technology should not be out or in use during a team competition, locker rooms or practice without a coach’s permission. Students may use cell phones as a spectator at games and on the bus, unless there are specific concerns where a student loses their cell phone privileges in these areas. 
  4.  WIAA states that athletes must complete 8 practices before the first competition. 
  5.  Players must attend practices on a regular schedule, which is defined by the WIAA as not regularly missing more than 1 day of practice per week. According to WIAA regulations, special consideration may not be given to students in non-school athletic activities (club teams). Special treatment or privileges include reduced practice times, special workouts, late arrivals, early dismissals, or missing a practice or contest. (WIAA Handbook 17.25.1) 
  6. If a practice is to be missed the athlete must have correspondence from a parent or guardian. If the player needs to leave early from an away game, a written notice of parent pickup is required. 
  7.  If a player misses practice before a competition, their parent/guardian must turn in a written excuse in order for the athlete to be eligible for competition. Playing time may still be adjusted by the coach. 
  8.  Athletes must attend ½ the school day on the day of competition in order to compete. 
  9. If an athlete has an unexcused absence, they will not be allowed to complete and practice that day. 
  10. If an athlete has ISS or OSS, they are not allowed to practice or compete the day(s) of suspension.
  11. Un-sportsman-like conduct will not be tolerated by athletes or spectators. Temper tantrums, arguing  in front of team-mates with a coach, being rude to an opponent, or being negative toward any athlete or official will impact the player’s ability to compete and may affect playing time. 
  12. All players are required to stay with the team during competition, and may be responsible for clean up/tear down of the event. 
  13.  Appropriate bus conduct is expected whenever using district transportation. 
  14.  Athletes are personally responsible for all school equipment and/or uniforms checked out to them.  They are expected to return them in good condition, on time. If uniforms/equipment is damaged or lost, the player is obligated to pay for the loss.
  15. Athletes must show respect to all fellow participants and visitors using the locker room. Rough-housing or  horseplay of any sort in the locker room can lead to serious injury and will not be permitted at any time. Athletes must keep the locker room clean and their valuables locked up at all times. When using another school’s locker room, athletes must  conduct themselves in the same manner expected in the home school locker room. 
  16.  All injuries must be reported to a coach immediately. If any injury requires a doctor’s care, a doctor’s release must be given to the coach in order to participate in an athletic contest. 
  17. Players must have all completed paperwork filed with the athletic office and/or Final Forms and any fines paid before competition. 
  18.  Parents and players agree to talk to the coach and set up a time if they would like to discuss participation. This should not be done on the day of a competition, unless this is agreed to by both the parents and coach.  
  19. Parents/guardians and athletes must sign to show they have read and agree to this code of conduct before they are eligible to participate.